Thursday, 23 August 2007


Using the Opal sock pattern I have finished the socks for DH and just need to wash and block them. I do love the Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn - it has a lovely feel and makes up beautiful socks.

Finished Emma's Anice

Well I have managed to finish Emma's Anice and she has tried it with her wedding dress and it looks wonderful. Will stick a picture in the gallery to show the finished article.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Emmas Anice Shawl

Well I have finished the 5th pattern repeat and started threading the blocking wires on to do a provisional blocking so that Emma can try it with her wedding dress next Saturday 23 June. I think that with the blocking 5 pattern repeats will be enough as the yarn is quite stretchy. Will try and get a pic of shawl with the dress :-D

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Finished projects.....

Clapotis in Lorna Laces Shepherd sport - Flames (In exchange for a friend doing my family tree)


Having finished the Clapotis I am back working on the Anices.
Cream - Managed to get up to row 25 of the central pattern only to find that I have made a mistake so I will be frogging it back to row 20 (lifeline) so that I can get it all lined up again.
Sable - Finished row 30 of the central pattern.
Bear in mind that there is 60 rows to the pattern repeat and 6 of them to do! and then the last border :-D So there is a fair bit to go - will post some pics later....

Monday, 23 April 2007


Well 3 weeks into knitting the Clapotis I am on the decreases :-) I ended up doing 20 pattern repeats on the straight section as it seems less likely to fall off the shoulders. Have found the Lorna's Laces teamed with my denise's lovely to knit with.

Clapotis Update - All finished now :-D and handed over

Current Projects

I have the following projects on the go;

  • Anice Shawl in Fiddlesticks Zephyr - Sable (For me)
  • Anice Shawl in Fiddlesticks Zephyr - Cream (For SIL)
  • Tanktop in opal sock yarn (For my son)
  • Jumper in rowan big wool (For DH)

Lots more yarn and patterns waiting to be started :-D